Most of the popular Youtubers do it for a living. It's the only way for them to put food on the table. You should get the idea that anyone who doesn't believe you is bad. You don't have any solid evidence that this game is even planned. Leave a link from a reliable source if you really want people to believe you. And why exactly do you think you're so important? Also You're, not Your.
You said the new Five Nights game was being released, but you typed it in all caps. That implies you're either an idiot or being sarcastic. Probably why you got responses that weren't "serious". Those games are retarded anyway though right? It's not sketchy that the guy made 3 games in less than a year right? Many competent programmers could make the original in Visual Basic in a week or two. Pretty ridiculous that this game garnered so much popularity in such a short amount of time. I wonder if it's because a few Youtubers with no talent played it and screamed a bunch. Serious enough? And who asked you for their trust? The people who commented weren't even bad. Grow up, you're not that important.
Oh great, another bara who's not serious. Might as well add you to my blacklist. I typed them all in caps because I'm hyper. There, happy now? That's who I am. It ain't sketchy. Youtubers do that for fun, not for talent. Not serious yet, though. Improve it. Hey, I AM important. Your the one who should grow up, not me. I'm mature okay? The baras who commented are bad, they don't believe me. Your the next one. *kicks your butt*